Daily Online

  • Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    Solidarity from Brazil to Madagascar

    March 27, 2009

    If you’re in southeastern Brazil and miss the People’s Weekly World, go to the farmlands and stop by the offices of Camoneses Sem Terra, a landless peasant association. You’ll be able to read PWW articles on...

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  • Israel urged to reopen Gaza borders

    Israel urged to reopen Gaza borders

    March 27, 2009

    Original source: The UN pressed Israel on Wednesday to implement a security council resolution which calls for the reopening of crossings into the devastated Gaza Strip. UN undersecretary-general for political affairs B Lynn Pascoe said: 'The...

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  • Iraqi Communist leader analyzes his countrys politics, struggle for democracy

    Iraqi Communist leader analyzes his countrys politics, struggle for democracy

    March 27, 2009

    BAGHDAD (Niqash) — The “Madaniyoun” List, also known as the “Democratic Stream,” is a political gathering of three Iraqi secular forces: the Arab Socialist Movement, the National Democratic Party and the Iraqi Communist Party. Niqash (a...

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  • Cintas: Trying to have its cake and eat it too

    Cintas: Trying to have its cake and eat it too

    March 27, 2009

    Eleazar Torres-Gomez is dead. On March 6, 2007, working alone in an industrial laundry facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma owned by major uniform and laundry service corporation, Cintas, Torres-Gomez was caught in a massive industrial laundry machine...

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  • Unemployment hits harder among Blacks, Latinos

    Unemployment hits harder among Blacks, Latinos

    March 27, 2009

    (AP) The ax fell without sound or shadow: Tatiana Gallego was suddenly called into human resources and laid off from her job as an admissions counselor for a fashion college. 'The way people tried to explain...

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