Daily Online

  • Webcams show Bald Eagle hatchlings

    Webcams show Bald Eagle hatchlings

    March 27, 2009

    A webcam at the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center in Virginia caught the hatching of two Bald Eaglets born six days apart late last month, according to the National Wildlife Refuge System's website. A second...

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  • The populist upheaval  where is it headed and who can lead?

    The populist upheaval where is it headed and who can lead?

    March 26, 2009 By John Case

    The populist outrage over AIG bonuses, and bailouts that seem to pay off the perpetrators of the financial crisis — while millions are left out of work with no medical benefits, and unemployment benefits running out...

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  • Labor to Big Biz: You wont derail employee free choice!

    Labor to Big Biz: You wont derail employee free choice!

    March 26, 2009

    The labor movement remains undaunted in its push for the Employee Free Choice Act despite the defection of Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter, the only Republican member of the Senate who had supported the measure. Specter announced March...

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  • Death penalty losing favor arond the world

    Death penalty losing favor arond the world

    March 26, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Mar 24 (IPS) - Though most of the world is moving a step closer to the abolition of the death penalty, death sentences continue to be handed out in the hundreds around the globe, says...

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  • Pass the budget! Grassroots coalition demands action

    Pass the budget! Grassroots coalition demands action

    March 26, 2009

    WASHINGTON—President Obama appealed to the people to throw their support behind his first federal budget to help pull the country out of the deep economic crisis. Speaking at his second White House news conference the President...

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