Daily Online



    March 20, 2009

    Elsie Fox biography Readers might be interested in a newly-published biography of Elsie Fox, Communist Party member and labor activist from the 1930s to the present. The book, “Elsie Fox, Portrait of an Activist” is a...

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  • FMLN to rebuild El Salvador

    FMLN to rebuild El Salvador

    March 20, 2009

    San Salvador, Mar 19 (Prensa Latina) After 30 years of military and political struggle, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) won last Sunday presidential elections, paving the way for building a new El Salvador FMLN...

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  • Zimbabwe cuts budget to make way for pro-business reforms

    Zimbabwe cuts budget to make way for pro-business reforms

    March 20, 2009

    Original source: Zimbabwe's new finance minister slashed the country's 2009 budget and announced a raft of pro-big business reforms after talks with the International Monetary Fund. Tendai Biti, who took office last month when his Western-backed...

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  • COMMENTARY: Communism: a viable alternative?

    COMMENTARY: Communism: a viable alternative?

    March 20, 2009

    (Reposted from the Machester Guradian guardian.co.uk) Let's get one thing out of the way to begin with: history is back in fashion. A generation on from Francis Fukuyama's claim that the fall of the Soviet Union...

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  • General strike in France to protest economic crisis

    General strike in France to protest economic crisis

    March 20, 2009

    On 19 March 2009 millions of French workers led by the Confederation Generale du Travail (CGT) went on strike to protest President Nicholas Sarkozy's handling of the global financial crisis in France. According to the Agence...

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