Daily Online

  • Lipton Tea’s profits and provocation in Pakistan

    Lipton Tea’s profits and provocation in Pakistan

    March 19, 2009

    Unilever Pakistan management has stepped up its aggression against the workers at its Lipton/Brooke Bond tea factory in Khanewal, Pakistan. The plant - Unilever's last directly-owned and operated tea plant in a nation of tea drinkers...

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  • Marijuana legalisation creates buzz

    Marijuana legalisation creates buzz

    March 19, 2009

    WASHINGTON, Mar 18 (IPS) - Due perhaps in part to the country's economic woes, but also a major shift in political culture, discussion of marijuana legalisation has risen to a level of openness and prominence previously...

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  • Contracts cant be brokenunless they involve union workers

    Contracts cant be brokenunless they involve union workers

    March 19, 2009

    Original source: Contracts can’t be broken. We learned that lesson well over the past few days when AIG honchos swore that despite being bailed out by $173 billion in taxpayer funds, they couldn’t break the sacrosanct...

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  • Windsor auto workers seize shuttered plant

    Windsor auto workers seize shuttered plant

    March 19, 2009

    Original source: (CBC) - A group of workers at a recently closed auto parts supply company in Windsor, Ontario, Canada have taken over the plant. In the latest twist in a saga that has been brewing...

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  • We got bills to pay too

    We got bills to pay too

    March 19, 2009

    CHICAGO - It's a warm, sunny March day. On a deserted street of windowless factories, suddenly a boisterous protest pops into view. A picket line is circling in front of Fillip Metal Cabinet Co., maker of...

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