Daily Online

  • COMMENTARY Calif. budget crisis  who should pay the bill?

    COMMENTARY Calif. budget crisis who should pay the bill?

    July 19, 2009

    WHITTIER, Calif. — California’s state budget is still being debated with continued threats of cuts and services to the most needed in our state. Here in California we all continue to be on pins and needles...

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  • Pressure mounts to end Cuban travel ban

    Pressure mounts to end Cuban travel ban

    July 18, 2009 By John Bachtell

    CHICAGO -- Pressure is mounting on multiple fronts to end U.S. government travel and trade restrictions against Cuba: the only country in the world American citizens cannot freely visit. The battle is increasingly centering in the...

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  • Dueling resolutions in Congress about Honduras

    Dueling resolutions in Congress about Honduras

    July 18, 2009

    While every day dramatic scenes are acted out on the streets of Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula and other cities in Honduras, pro- and anti-coup forces are also active in the United States, and especially on Capitol...

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  • Reports of the death of union card check still premature

    Reports of the death of union card check still premature

    July 18, 2009

    A report in the New York Times today that says senators have “dropped” the majority sign-up provision of the Employee Free Choice Act is not accurate. A spokesperson for Sen. Tom Harkin, the Iowa Democrat who...

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  • Zelaya gives coup leaders ultimatum

    Zelaya gives coup leaders ultimatum

    July 18, 2009 By Morning Star

    The mediator in Honduras's political crisis is looking increasingly discredited after proposing further talks between the ousted president and the leader of the right-wing coup. Costa Rican President Oscar Arias has scheduled the further talks to...

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