Daily Online

  • Labor, doctors and small business owners back health reform

    Labor, doctors and small business owners back health reform

    July 17, 2009

    Health care reform gained new momentum this week. Wednesday, July 15, the Senate HELP committee passed a version of the bill that closely fits President Obama's main principles for reform. The same day, House Democrats announced...

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  • Workers picket Karl Rove’s $1,000-a-plate Big Biz dinner

    Workers picket Karl Rove’s $1,000-a-plate Big Biz dinner

    July 17, 2009

    ST. LOUIS -- 'The Employee Free Choice Act is exactly what it says. A free choice for workers,' Ben Harmon, financial secretary for the greater St. Louis United Auto Workers union CAP Council, told the World....

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  • AMA backs House health care bill

    AMA backs House health care bill

    July 17, 2009

    In a major development in the struggle for health care, the American Medical Association, this afternoon, announced it is supporting the Democratic House bill which includes a strong public option and taxes the wealthy to offset...

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  • Communications workers and AT&T strike Midwest deal

    Communications workers and AT&T strike Midwest deal

    July 17, 2009

    Nearly 20,000 AT&T workers in the Midwest will be voting on a tentative contract that their union, the Communications Workers of America, spent the last half year negotiating. The tentative agreement, reached yesterday, will be submitted...

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  • Did Zelaya violate the constitution?

    Did Zelaya violate the constitution?

    July 17, 2009

    The mediation efforts of Costa Rican President Oscar Arias in the Honduran situation seem to be headed for failure. Elected, yet deposed, President Manuel Zelaya says he is the only legitimate head of state, as does...

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