Daily Online

  • Engineer makes cooking oil breakthrough

    Engineer makes cooking oil breakthrough

    July 10, 2009

    A new use for old cooking oil could help cut emissions from building roads, engineers have claimed. Engineer Helen Bailey has developed a process for replacing bitumen, which is normally used in road surfaces to 'glue'...

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  • Texas rejects privatized toll roads

    Texas rejects privatized toll roads

    July 10, 2009

    How are the global economic crisis, water in Bolivia, oil in Iraq, and the fast lane on Highway 635 in North Dallas related? And what do they have to do with the airport in Tegucigalpa? They’re...

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  • Is the economic crisis over?

    Is the economic crisis over?

    July 10, 2009 By Sam Webb

    Beware of talk of better economic times around the corner. We may be over the worst of it; we may have avoided a 1930s-type depression; but it’s quite another thing to suggest that we are on...

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  • Obama not ruling out second stimulus

    Obama not ruling out second stimulus

    July 10, 2009

    Shortly after Robert Nabors, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, said yesterday that “no one in the administration is talking about a second stimulus at this point,” the administration signaled that the president...

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  • Transport workers in Japan required to take daily smile scans

    Transport workers in Japan required to take daily smile scans

    July 9, 2009

    In an effort to improve “customer relations” a Japanese transportation company is forcing over 500 employees to take a daily smile test measuring the degree and brightness of worker smiles. According to the Mainichi Daily News,...

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