Daily Online

  • An end to violence

    An end to violence

    July 9, 2009 By Sam Webb

    Against the background of the bloodiest century in human history and this decade of war, genocide, boycotts, and threats and counter threats, thanks in large measure to the Bush administration and, in a larger sense, our...

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  • Former ruling party gains in Mexico elections

    Former ruling party gains in Mexico elections

    July 9, 2009

    In Sunday’s congressional and gubernatorial elections in Mexico, the big winner was the formerly ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which with its ally, the Green Party (PVEM) (a rather conservative party not in good standing with...

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  • Illinois budget crisis fuels demand for progressive income tax

    Illinois budget crisis fuels demand for progressive income tax

    July 9, 2009

    CHICAGO -– As Illinois entered its second week without a budget, Gov. Pat Quinn vetoed the state operating budget passed by the state legislature, sending the budget process into further chaos. The Democratic governor and Democratic...

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  • George Fishman, a life with a purpose

    George Fishman, a life with a purpose

    July 9, 2009

    George M. Fishman, lifelong working class scholar, teacher and activist, passed away peacefully at his New Haven, Conn., home on June 30, at age 92. He was a stalwart champion of quality public education for all...

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  • Faulty signal system may be source of DC Metro crash

    Faulty signal system may be source of DC Metro crash

    July 8, 2009

    The National Transportation Safety Board has not yet finished its investigation of the crash on the DC Metro which killed 9 people on June 22. But the outlines of a possible explanation are emerging. The crash...

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