health and safety
Kellogg’s obliga a 1.400 trabajadores de plantas de cereales a hacer huelga
October 9, 2021BATTLE CREEK, Michigan (PAI) —Los trabajadores que traen a sus hijos Tony the Tiger en Kellogg's Frosted Flakes están gruñendo a sus jefes, quienes los han obligado a hacer huelga. Enfrentando turnos de 12 horas los...
Read moreKellogg’s forces 1,400 cereal plant workers to strike
October 8, 2021The workers who bring your kids Tony the Tiger on Frosted Flakes are growling at their bosses.
Read moreTucson campus workers join health and safety ‘funeral’ protest action
October 5, 2021Another report from Arizona, where campus workers are standing up for their survival, literally.
Read moreArizona university workers hold ‘Funeral for Health and Safety’ after official inaction
October 4, 2021Both ASU and UA have only mandated masks in classroom settings after much community advocacy for mask requirements.
Read moreWhy no COVID vaccine requirements for S.F. Giants fans?
September 20, 2021Food service workers have to get the shot or have a negative test—but fans cheering and shouting in a packed stadium threaten workers and themselves.
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