
  • Ending the blockade of Cuba

    Ending the blockade of Cuba

    July 15, 2009

    Speculation is rife as to prospects under the Obama administration for a changed U.S. approach toward Cuba. Firmly in place since 1962, economic embargo remains the centerpiece of U.S. Cuban policies. Along the way, the embargo...

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  • Ending the

    Ending the

    July 15, 2009

    Speculation is rife as to prospects under the Obama administration for a changed U.S. approach toward Cuba. Firmly in place since 1962, economic embargo remains the centerpiece of U.S. Cuban policies. Along the way, the embargo...

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  • Communists march in Baghdad to mark 1958 revolution

    Communists march in Baghdad to mark 1958 revolution

    July 15, 2009

    Iraq’s Communist Party led a mass march through the center of Baghdad today, commemorating the July 14, 1958, national democratic revolution that ousted the British-installed monarchy. Streaming through the streets, marchers carried red banners, flags and...

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  • Hondurans fighting coup

    Hondurans fighting coup

    July 15, 2009

    TEGUCIGALPA (Prensa Latina) Honduran peoples organizations began Tuesday with a new day of peaceful resistance after 17 days of rallies and other demonstrations against the June 28 military coup. Social forces from the National Front against...

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  • US to unearth Afghan war skeletons

    US to unearth Afghan war skeletons

    July 15, 2009

    Original source: US President Barack Obama has ordered an investigation into reports that warlords allied to the US slaughtered up to 2,000 Afghan prisoners of war in 2001. In a televised interview aired on Sunday, Mr...

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