
  • G-8 didnt do enough to address economic crises

    G-8 didnt do enough to address economic crises

    July 15, 2009

    Original source: The leaders of the world’s top economies failed to adequately address the three major economic crises facing the world—unemployment, climate change and development, according to leaders of unions around the globe who had called...

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  • Galaxy Zoo wants you

    Galaxy Zoo wants you

    July 13, 2009

    You out there reading this on your computer screen: want to take part in an international scientific research project? Using just your computer you can help identify galaxies light years away — and you don’t even...

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  • WORLDNOTES: Argentina, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Gaza, Thailand, Puerto Rico

    WORLDNOTES: Argentina, United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, Gaza, Thailand, Puerto Rico

    July 10, 2009

    Argentina: Elections mirror economic stresses In parliamentary elections June 28 the center-left Peronist bloc headed by President Cristina Fernandez and former president Nestor Kirchner lost congressional majorities. Voting in Buenos Aires Province, home to 40 percent...

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  • Climate change unresolved at G8 summit

    Climate change unresolved at G8 summit

    July 10, 2009

    The United States and the leaders of the planet’s largest industrialized nations said yesterday at the G-8 summit that the earth has to go green by cutting half of all emissions linked to climate change by...

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  • Cubas revolution: continuous change

    Cubas revolution: continuous change

    July 10, 2009

    In the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin, the afore-named magical creature spins straw into gold. That image came to mind during a recent visit to Cuba, a country that if not actually turning anything into gold, has certainly...

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