
  • WORLD NOTES: July 26

    WORLD NOTES: July 26

    July 26, 2008

    Ecuador: Reckoning for past crimes Ecuador’s government this month confiscated nearly 200 properties of the Isaías Group including three television stations, businesses and land. said the properties will be sold to reimburse depositors using banks...

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  • Iraq leaders set deadline giving Republicans PR disaster

    Iraq leaders set deadline giving Republicans PR disaster

    July 22, 2008

    Republican John McCain's touting of superior foreign policy credentials over his Democratic opponent foundered Monday as Iraqi officials pointed to a 2010 deadline for troop withdrawal, an almost identical time table favored by Barack Obama. The...

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  • Canada implicated in torture at Guantanamo

    Canada implicated in torture at Guantanamo

    July 22, 2008

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia — The Canadian government is once again being accused of breaking international human rights laws, including the Geneva Convention. Newly released documents and DVD footage reveal that the Canadian government knew, as far...

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  • Looking Global Warming in the Eye

    Looking Global Warming in the Eye

    July 22, 2008

    When I first reported on global warming in the 1990s, events unfolded relatively slowly. Now they occur in such a blur that they barely have time to register on the media eye. Here's a sampling from...

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  • WORLD NOTES: July 19

    WORLD NOTES: July 19

    July 18, 2008

    Peru: Workers, peasants mount general strike The General Confederation of Peruvian Workers protested Peru’s free trade treaty with the U.S. as well as low wages and rising costs by staging a nationwide general strike on July...

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