
  • A new Cold War?

    A new Cold War?

    August 5, 2008

    Military alliances are always sold as things that produce security. In practice they tend to do the opposite. Thus, Germany formed the Triple Alliance with Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire to counter the enmity of France...

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  • Chavez trip builds Russian alliance, worries Washington

    Chavez trip builds Russian alliance, worries Washington

    August 4, 2008

    The main story from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’ recent tour to Belarus, Portugal, Spain and Russia was his visit to Moscow July 22-23. Chavez and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed on banking cooperation, joint energy ventures,...

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  • Health care: What sets Canada apart

    Health care: What sets Canada apart

    August 2, 2008

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  • World Notes: August 2

    World Notes: August 2

    August 2, 2008

    United Kingdom: Unions pressure Labor Party Union general secretaries winnowed through some 4,000 proposals before submitting 120 demands to government ministers at the Labor Party’s National Policy Forum held July 25-26 at Warwick University. Voting as...

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  • In the shadow of NASDAQ, Dominican Americans decry gas speculation

    In the shadow of NASDAQ, Dominican Americans decry gas speculation

    July 31, 2008

    NEW YORK—A group of Dominican American and other Latino elected officials with dozens of community members protested petroleum speculation here in Times Square July 30. Called by the League of Dominican American Elected Officials and hosted...

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