
  • War or peace? U.S. faces a choice in the Georgia-Russia conflict and beyond

    War or peace? U.S. faces a choice in the Georgia-Russia conflict and beyond

    August 16, 2008

    Commentary Georgia, in a geo-political sense, is an outpost of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that sits directly on the border of Russia on one side and close to the Middle...

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  • Morales scores victory

    Morales scores victory

    August 16, 2008

    The epic nature of today’s events in Bolivia flows from the long struggle between the country’s indigenous majority and a Europeanized ruling class, and from disparities between impoverished western highlands and four lowland eastern departments (states)...

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  • Beijing Olympics showcase harmony concept

    Beijing Olympics showcase harmony concept

    August 16, 2008

    The Beijing Olympics opening ceremony began at 8:08 a.m., on the eighth day of the eighth month of 2008. The exact time was picked by organizers because of the meaning of the number eight to the...

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  • Questions raised about McCains judgment on Georgia-Russia conflict

    Questions raised about McCains judgment on Georgia-Russia conflict

    August 15, 2008

    The conflict in Georgia has cast a spotlight on both John McCain’s ethics and on his ability to exercise good judgment in a time of crisis. McCain’s longtime business partner and current chief foreign policy adviser,...

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  • One more pothole

    One more pothole

    August 15, 2008

    BERLIN — A former top leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has been saved from expulsion and possible disgrace and Germany’s oldest party, founded in 1863. Wolfgang Clement, 68, has huffed and puffed its way...

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