
  • Editorial: Price of empire

    Editorial: Price of empire

    August 14, 2008

    The current conflict in Georgia shows just how dangerous it is in this 21st century world to pursue political goals by military means. In an era when war — and nuclear weapons — can easily spread...

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  • An August surprise: Russia-Georgia conflict explodes on world scene

    An August surprise: Russia-Georgia conflict explodes on world scene

    August 14, 2008

    The U.S.-backed militarization of the Caucasus in the former Soviet Union exploded on the night of Aug. 7. Under cover of darkness and as the world watched the Olympics, the government of right-wing Georgian President Saakashvili...

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  • Cuba: 55 years after Moncada

    Cuba: 55 years after Moncada

    August 14, 2008

    What does a victorious revolution do after a half century in power? “We shall continue to analyze with the people, particularly with the workers, with the same transparency and confidence we've always had.” Speaking July 26...

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  • Remembering the 1968 Olympic Games

    Remembering the 1968 Olympic Games

    August 11, 2008

    Forty years ago at the Summer Olympics in Mexico City, Tommie Smith and John Carlos raised their black-gloved fists in protest against racism and injustice. Students at San Jose State University, Smith won the gold medal...

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  • American youth witness greening of Cuba

    American youth witness greening of Cuba

    August 6, 2008

    HAVANA — July 14 — A group of 41 tired Americans walked across the International Peace Bridge connecting Canada and Buffalo, NY. These were not your everyday Niagara Falls tourists — when they arrived in Buffalo,...

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