
  • If not to Venezuela, send Luis Posada to Panama

    If not to Venezuela, send Luis Posada to Panama

    July 9, 2008

    Jose Pertierra is Venezuela’s U.S. lawyer. He is demanding that Luis Posada be returned to Panama to finish out jail time there in connection with an attempt with three others in 2000 to murder former Cuban...

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  • WORLD NOTES: July 5

    WORLD NOTES: July 5

    July 4, 2008

    India: Left stands firm on nuke deal Leaders of India’s left parties and India’s governing United Progressive Alliance are at a stand-off over the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. Left parties have been meeting with UPA’s Congress Party...

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  • U.S. funding terror groups in Iran

    U.S. funding terror groups in Iran

    July 4, 2008 By Susan Webb

    As worry mounts that the same right-wingers who got us into the Iraq war are now pushing for war with Iran, journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Bush administration is supporting terrorist groups in Iran...

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  • Cuban exiles linked to Mexican gangs

    Cuban exiles linked to Mexican gangs

    July 4, 2008

    A scandal is brewing that connects right-wing Cuban exiles in the United States with violent Mexican drug gangs trained by the U.S. military. The story first broke in the left-wing Mexico City daily, La Jornada. On...

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  • South Africans pledge solidarity with Zimbabwe

    South Africans pledge solidarity with Zimbabwe

    July 4, 2008

    Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party held a widely condemned election on June 29 in which the opposition dropped out because of widespread violence and intimidation. The African Union on June 30 joined the international chorus...

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