
  • Colombia: hostages freed but troubles remain

    Colombia: hostages freed but troubles remain

    July 2, 2008

    The July 2 liberation of hostages held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was welcomed by world leaders, ranging from U.S. officials and French President Nicolas Sarkozy to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who earlier...

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  • Africa says no to Pentagon

    Africa says no to Pentagon

    July 2, 2008

    Plans to base the much-talked-about United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) in Africa have been dropped for now. The U.S. government acknowledged defeat in its all-out campaign to convince any African ally to welcome the installation on...

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  • World Notes

    World Notes

    July 1, 2008

    India: Left stands firm on nuke deal Leaders of India’s left parties and India’s governing United Progressive Alliance are at a stand-off over the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. Left parties have been meeting with UPA’s Congress Party...

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  • Extreme weather to increase with global warming

    Extreme weather to increase with global warming

    July 1, 2008

    As John McCain campaigns on a pledge of increasing greenhouse gas emissions by launching new offshore oil drilling while at the same time refusing to make caps mandatory on emissions by big polluters, new government data...

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  • World notes: June 28, 2008

    World notes: June 28, 2008

    July 1, 2008

    Iraq: Refugees are silent scandal Amnesty International condemned “the international community” for neglecting 4.7 million Iraqi displaced persons, among them 2.7 million Iraqis unable to leave because of visa restrictions. An AI press release June 16...

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