
  • Israel at 60  why celebrations are muted

    Israel at 60 why celebrations are muted

    May 24, 2008

    Feelings about the state of Israel occupy a broad spectrum of world opinion, from adoring admiration in some quarters to hate veering into outright anti-Semitism from some others. As an expression of the 19th- and 20th-century...

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  • Worldnotes – May 24, 2008

    Worldnotes – May 24, 2008

    May 24, 2008

    Cuba: International Day Against Homophobia Spain’s La Vanguardia newspaper recently interviewed Mariela Castro, director of Cuba’s National Center for Sex Education. Anticipating change, Castro believes that gay people’s rights will be protected under Cuba’s Family Code...

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  • Indian workers on hunger strike rally at the Capitol

    Indian workers on hunger strike rally at the Capitol

    May 22, 2008

    A group of Indian workers and their supporters in the U.S. labor movement rallied at the U.S. Capitol building May 20 after the workers staged a 'water only' strike at the White House that began six...

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  • Siege mentality prevails in Bogota

    Siege mentality prevails in Bogota

    May 21, 2008

    Without warning, the Colombian government shipped 14 imprisoned paramilitary chieftains to the United States on May 13 for prosecution on drug trafficking. The Alvaro Uribe government has intensified accusations that the Venezuelan and Ecuadorian governments are...

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  • Responding to disasters

    Responding to disasters

    May 17, 2008

    Cyclone hits Myanmar. Earthquake rocks China. In each case, thousands of lives have been snuffed out by nature’s wrath. Given the combination of global warming and extreme poverty, we’re likely to see more extreme natural and...

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