
  • International Workers Day celebrated in Cuba, Latin America

    International Workers Day celebrated in Cuba, Latin America

    May 14, 2008

    Celebrations of International Workers Day throughout Latin America testified to working class determination, especially in Cuba where millions marched. Honoring workers’ struggles and achievements, many observances centered on specific national challenges. In Caracas, over 300,000 workers...

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  • Mexico oil privatization dispute rages

    Mexico oil privatization dispute rages

    May 13, 2008

    While the rest of Latin America moves left, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is pushing hard in the other direction with a thinly disguised plan to privatize PEMEX, the huge state oil company that provides 40 percent...

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  • Indian peoples theater inspires workers

    Indian peoples theater inspires workers

    May 10, 2008 By Teresa Albano

    DELHI, India — Some evenings you will see a small jeep driving around this city, weaving its way through the impossible traffic. The driver and passengers are amateur actors dedicated to the education and rights of...

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  • After elections, Nepal searches for a unified path forward

    After elections, Nepal searches for a unified path forward

    May 10, 2008

    The surprise results of Nepal’s elections are now giving way to the next, perhaps more challenging, step of piecing together a coalition to write a new constitution and move toward abolishing the monarchy. In the recent...

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  • Separatist vote threatens Bolivias progress

    Separatist vote threatens Bolivias progress

    May 10, 2008

    In a blow to the revolutionary Bolivian government of President Evo Morales, overwhelmingly elected in 2005 as the nation’s first indigenous president, a much anticipated autonomy referendum in Bolivia’s Santa Cruz department gained approval by an...

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