
  • Belligerents and terrorists are different

    Belligerents and terrorists are different

    February 6, 2008

    Commentary A 60-year sentence handed down Jan. 28 to Ricardo Palmera, a leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), by a U.S. judge demonstrates abuse of the terrorist designation. In January 2004, the CIA...

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  • Milton Wolff, last Lincoln Brigade Commander

    Milton Wolff, last Lincoln Brigade Commander

    January 30, 2008

    Milton Wolff, a perennial symbol of U.S. working-class internationalism, died Jan. 14 in California at age 92. Born in Brooklyn of immigrant parents, the last commander of the Washington-Lincoln Brigades that fought fascism in Spain was...

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  • Israelis, Palestinians rally for peace at Gaza border

    Israelis, Palestinians rally for peace at Gaza border

    January 30, 2008

    In an emotional rally at the Gaza border Jan. 26, some 2,000 Israelis demonstrated for peace and an end to Israel’s blockade of Gaza. The demonstration was organized by Israeli Jewish and Arab groups, and was...

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  • EDITORIAL: In Iraq until when?

    EDITORIAL: In Iraq until when?

    January 25, 2008

    Addressing the House Armed Services Committee last week, a leading U.S. general in Iraq let a cat out of the bag — unless Congress and a new administration that is committed to a sane foreign policy...

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  • Gaza: So many tragedies in so little time

    Gaza: So many tragedies in so little time

    January 22, 2008

    RAFAH, Gaza—Where to start…, what to talk about…? The crippling electricity shortages, affecting hospitals as well as civilians? The air strikes & on-going, daily bombings by the Israeli army, their indiscriminate targeting of civilians and police...

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