
  • Brazil celebrates The Year of Oscar Niemeyer

    Brazil celebrates The Year of Oscar Niemeyer

    January 18, 2008

    Oscar Niemeyer, one of the world's greatest architects, celebrated his 100 birthday on Dec. 14, 2007. Best known for the pioneering, breathtaking buildings he designed for Brazil's capital, he has inspired generations of architects with his...

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  • Settlements contradict the essence of peacemaking: a Palestinian view

    Settlements contradict the essence of peacemaking: a Palestinian view

    January 4, 2008

    The policy of establishing and expanding settlements may well be the only constant in Israeli practices on occupied Palestinian territory since 1967. Yet it is possible to discern several distinct phases in this policy depending on...

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  • Tribunals examine U.S. role in Colombia

    Tribunals examine U.S. role in Colombia

    January 4, 2008 By W. T. Whitney Jr.

    In Colombia, four million people have been forced from their homes and land. Poverty is rampant: almost 24 percent of Colombians earn less than two dollars a day; 65 percent, less than three dollars daily; 40...

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  • Fear of Cuba

    Fear of Cuba

    December 21, 2007

    During the Vietnam War era, President Richard Nixon worried about his country becoming a “pitiful, helpless giant.” Now, with the world’s only superpower over-reacting to fears, that possibility seems to have resurfaced. Two recent U.S. measures...

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  • Wheres the humanity in immigration enforcement?

    Wheres the humanity in immigration enforcement?

    December 21, 2007 By Pepe Lozano

    When human beings are called “illegal” and “alien” by elected officials and law enforcement agencies and in the media, what kind of message are we spreading?

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