
  • There are no nukes! U.S. report debunks war-on-Iran rationale

    There are no nukes! U.S. report debunks war-on-Iran rationale

    December 7, 2007

    Editorial It looks like President Bush’s apocalyptic push for World War III with Iran has been postponed. With the stunning release of the National Intelligence Estimate this week reporting that Iran ended its nuclear weapons program...

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  • After elections, Venezuelans vow to press ahead

    After elections, Venezuelans vow to press ahead

    December 7, 2007

    The campaign to reshape Venezuela’s 1999 constitution toward a socialist future ended Dec. 2 in a narrow defeat for the government of President Hugo Chavez. Hours after polls closed on the vote for two referendums that...

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  • On Iran, Bushs weasel words strike again

    On Iran, Bushs weasel words strike again

    December 5, 2007

    Several years ago, before the start of Bush’s (and Cheney’s) Iraq war, I wrote a column about the words the administration was using to boost its case for war. They were making liberal use of weasel...

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  • Bali and Beyond: A New Green Economics

    Bali and Beyond: A New Green Economics

    December 5, 2007

    We have read the science. Global warming is real, and we are a prime cause. We have heard the warnings. Unless we act, now, we face serious consequences. Polar ice may melt. Sea levels will rise....

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  • CIA Operation Pliers uncovered in Venezuela

    CIA Operation Pliers uncovered in Venezuela

    November 30, 2007

    An internal CIA memorandum has been obtained by Venezuelan counterintelligence from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas that reveals a very sinister — almost fantastical, were it not true — plan to destabilize Venezuela during the coming...

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