
  • Annapolis: photo-op or opportunity?

    Annapolis: photo-op or opportunity?

    November 30, 2007 By Susan Webb

    Despite considerable skepticism about the Israeli-Palestinian conference convened by President Bush in Annapolis, Md., Nov. 27, Jewish and Palestinian American peace advocates say it offers an opportunity for peace, if peace supporters keep the pressure on.

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  • Australian elections: historic victory for labor movement

    Australian elections: historic victory for labor movement

    November 28, 2007

    News Analysis The decisive defeat of the right-wing Coalition government in the Nov. 24 federal elections was a great victory for the labor movement, for the thousands of rank-and-file trade unionists and members of the Australian...

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  • International pressure on Israel to meet the conditions for peace is a must

    International pressure on Israel to meet the conditions for peace is a must

    November 28, 2007

    Statement issued Nov. 24, 2007. The Palestinian People's Party Politburo held a meeting which discussed the current political developments and the American call to hold the international meeting in Annapolis. The Politburo decided at the conclusion...

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  • Chavez warns of plans to destabilize Venezuela

    Chavez warns of plans to destabilize Venezuela

    November 28, 2007

    MERIDA, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela has warned of new plans to destabilize the country after the national referendum set for next Sunday, Dec. 2. He also said he has new evidence of attempts...

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  • Must-see documentaries showcased in Toronto

    Must-see documentaries showcased in Toronto

    November 22, 2007

    For the first time in its 32-year history, the Toronto International Film Festival screened a film that was simultaneously available for free streaming on the Internet. The 7-minute short film, “Shock Doctrine,” based on Naomi Klein’s...

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