
  • EDITORIAL: Whats needed for Israeli-Palestinian peace?

    EDITORIAL: Whats needed for Israeli-Palestinian peace?

    July 27, 2007

    Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair arrived in Jerusalem last week in his new role as envoy for the so-called Quartet of Middle East mediators — the UN, European Union, Russia and the United States. He...

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  • Cuba survives and inspires

    Cuba survives and inspires

    July 27, 2007

    Forty-five years ago, Bob Dylan described revolutionary Cuba as “a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it.” Some things don’t change. As recently as July 2006, the United States announced it would not “allow” a...

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  • Agent Orange victim, activist dies

    Agent Orange victim, activist dies

    July 27, 2007

    Nguyen Thi Hong, 60, a member of the Vietnam Agent Orange Justice delegation that visited the U.S. in June this year, died July 20 in Vietnam from Agent Orange-related cancers. She and two other Vietnamese Agent...

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  • On the draft Iraqi Oil and Gas Law

    On the draft Iraqi Oil and Gas Law

    July 24, 2007

    To our great Iraqi people and the masses of the Iraqi working class: Iraq is rich with a variety of natural resources, in the forefront of which is the enormous oil wealth, that is the real...

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  • The call of Cuba

    The call of Cuba

    July 20, 2007

    I’m not so much of a world traveler, but I do know from friends who travel that there are few places you can go where you won’t find a McDonald’s, a Kentucky Fried Chicken or a...

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