
  • EDITORIAL: Sitting on a fault line

    EDITORIAL: Sitting on a fault line

    July 20, 2007

    A major earthquake hit Japan’s Kashiwazaki Kariwa nuclear power plant this week. That should give pause to those who advocate looking to nuclear power as concerns about global warming escalate. On July 16, an earthquake measuring...

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  • Iraq Inc.: Corporate hogs feed at war trough

    Iraq Inc.: Corporate hogs feed at war trough

    July 20, 2007

    Privatization, a strategy to eliminate public control over vital sectors of the economy, is nothing new. What is new, and perhaps more ominous, is that privatization has become the preferred method by which the Bush administration...

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  • Women sue Halliburton for sexual assault in Iraq

    Women sue Halliburton for sexual assault in Iraq

    July 13, 2007

    HOUSTON — Four women who used to work for KBR, formerly known as Kellogg Brown & Root, have filed suit against KBR and Halliburton, alleging they were sexually harassed and, in two cases, raped while on...

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  • War toll mounts … White House panics as GOPers jump ship on Iraq

    War toll mounts … White House panics as GOPers jump ship on Iraq

    July 13, 2007

    WASHINGTON — Lawmakers returned to the capital from a July 4th recess with their constituents’ urgent demands for an end to the Iraq war still ringing in their ears. The pressure is so intense that Republican...

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  • Darfur, oil and the China card

    Darfur, oil and the China card

    July 6, 2007

    Darfur has almost become a household word, and with good reason. The first human-made catastrophe of the 21st century, its death count combined with the huge humanitarian crisis staggers the imagination. Whether it’s the 400,000 claimed...

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