Liberal election victory in Canada holds lessons for Americans
October 26, 2015Liberals campaigned on making investments in infrastructure to create jobs, raise income taxes on the richest Canadians to fund services for those at the bottom, and democratize the political system.
Read moreNYC union pension systems to invest $150m in affordable city housing
October 23, 2015Union labor will build the housing in an economically targeted investment program in all five boroughs.
Read moreAFL-CIO’s veep: With others unions can change the nation
September 29, 2015"The union movement should join with others who are saying 'instead of building more prisons, we should be creating more jobs and offering more job training.'"
Read moreJob fatalities rise in construction, oil, and gas
September 23, 2015"Far too many people are still killed on the job -- 13 workers every day taken from their families tragically and unnecessarily."
Read moreIs nation’s gain Wisconsin’s loss?
September 22, 2015It was Scott Walker himself whose continued bragging about how he had taken away the rights of workers in his home state that actually did him in.
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