Today in history: The Americans with Disabilities Act signed 25 years ago
July 24, 2015It was dedicated activism that accomplished these measures so that the benefits of living in a modern society can be accessed by millions more people.
Read moreThe push is on to save Social Security, create jobs for youth
July 16, 2015Passing the Employ Young Americans Now Act would be an important step in the fight to preserve and expand Social Security.
Read moreLabor board tackles another joint-employer issue, involving temps
July 9, 2015If an employer gets workers from a temp agency and the union wants to organize them, must it first get an OK from both the employer and the temp agency? <!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face...
Read moreEducation: is it job training, or preparation for democracy?
July 9, 2015If we want our nation to create more people like history's innovators and inventors, we would be wise to teach our children how to think like they did.
Read moreUnions and allies get support for gas tax hike for highway-mass transit funding
June 24, 2015The legislation is important both for jobs creation and to repair and replace the nation's crumbling infrastructure and to repair, replace and upgrade bus and subway systems.
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