
  • Despite Bush veto threat, House passes new mine safety bill

    Despite Bush veto threat, House passes new mine safety bill

    January 23, 2008

    WASHINGTON (PAI)--Despite a veto threat by anti-worker GOP President George W. Bush, the Democratic-run House passed a new mine safety bill--strongly supported by the AFL-CIO, the Mine Workers, the Steel Workers and mine victims’ families--by 214-199...

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  • Think tank: holes in presidential candidates health care plans

    Think tank: holes in presidential candidates health care plans

    January 23, 2008

    WASHINGTON (PAI)--A think tank, the Commonwealth Fund, that assembled a task force of experts two years ago to examine United States health care and draft principles for a comprehensive and affordable health care system, says there...

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  • Good for GM, bad for the rest of us

    Good for GM, bad for the rest of us

    January 23, 2008

    While the future is looking up for General Motors and its high-priced execs, it’s anything but good for workers, as the company is moving quickly to slash its labor expenses. Last week General Motors told Wall...

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  • At Rev. King gathering in Memphis: unions launch drive to win in ’08

    At Rev. King gathering in Memphis: unions launch drive to win in ’08

    January 20, 2008

    MEMPHIS, Tenn. – One thousand leaders of the nation’s labor movement, gathered here for the AFL-CIO’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance, launched a drive Jan. 18 to “take back the country” in the...

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  • Tasini’s take on directors’ contract

    Tasini’s take on directors’ contract

    January 20, 2008

    Not surprisingly, the Directors Guild of America has struck a tentative deal with Big Media. The DGA has always been perceived as more producer-friendly in the business because many of the heavy-weight directors are producers themselves...

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