
  • Sacramento clergy support Hotel Workers Rising

    Sacramento clergy support Hotel Workers Rising

    October 27, 2006

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. — On Oct.19, four clergymen, representing Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths, tried to deliver a statement called “On Hospitality and Human Dignity” signed by 47 local Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Muslim clerics to the...

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  • Miners death brings this year’s total to 42

    Miners death brings this year’s total to 42

    October 27, 2006

    Some 100 union coal miners jammed the Mine Safety and Health Administration district office in Morgantown, W.Va., Oct. 24. They demanded stepped up enforcement of safety laws, oxygen packs and other equipment, and more mine inspectors....

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  • No fruits for their labor

    No fruits for their labor

    October 21, 2006

    Julia Preston, a New York Times reporter writing from Washington, D.C., describes pears rotting on trees in Lake County, Calif., owing to a lack of farm workers to pick them. Growers tell her 70,000 of the...

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  • Americas seniors build a mighty movement

    Americas seniors build a mighty movement

    October 21, 2006

    Today a mighty groundswell of senior fightback is underway. Its effect will be felt in the November elections. Retiree leader George Kourpias recently went so far as to say, “Retirees will determine who wins the 2006...

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  • Northwest strikers to vote

    Northwest strikers to vote

    October 21, 2006 By Barb Kucera

    BLOOMINGTON, Minn. — The 14-month strike by 4,000 mechanics, cleaners and custodians at Northwest Airlines may end within 30 days if a majority of the workers, represented by the independent Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, ratify a...

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