
  • Living wage fight not over

    Living wage fight not over

    September 23, 2006

    CHICAGO — Although the City Council failed to overturn Mayor Richard Daley’s veto of the Big Box Living Wage Ordinance, supporters of the measure say the battle will continue. The council had passed the ordinance by...

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  • Joe Lieberman  no friend of working people

    Joe Lieberman no friend of working people

    September 22, 2006

    It is complete hypocrisy for Joe Lieberman to claim that he is above “partisan politics.” Quite the opposite: Lieberman has been a consistent enabler for the partisan politics of George W. Bush, against the interests of...

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  • Dont lie to us

    Dont lie to us

    September 22, 2006

    Workers’ CorrespondenceThe drive to organize 2,000 workers at Yale-New Haven Hospital moved into high gear this year when the hospital signed a landmark community benefits agreement. In addition to addressing community concerns about jobs, housing, education...

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  • Hotel workers celebrate new pact

    Hotel workers celebrate new pact

    September 22, 2006

    SAN FRANCISCO — Celebration was in the air as union members gathered with Unite Here Local 2 President Mike Casey at the local’s headquarters Sept. 13 to announce a tentative agreement in their two-year contract struggle...

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  • Ford slashes spell pain for workers, communities; CEO to rake in millions

    Ford slashes spell pain for workers, communities; CEO to rake in millions

    September 22, 2006

    DETROIT — Ford’s latest plan to turn the company around puts on the “fast track” the biggest restructuring in the auto giant’s 103-year history. Bearing the pain will be autoworkers and the communities they live in....

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