
  • High pesticide exposure found among migrant workers

    High pesticide exposure found among migrant workers

    July 28, 2006

    RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — It could be a father hugging his children after a day’s work in the tobacco field, or pesticide residue on his clothing washed with family laundry. Maybe it was children playing in...

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  • Faulty seals a factor in Sago mine blast

    Faulty seals a factor in Sago mine blast

    July 28, 2006

    BUCKHANNON, W. Va. (PAI) - Faulty seals in an abandoned part of the Sago, W. Va., coal mine were one factor in the lethal Jan. 2 blast that killed 12 miners and injured a 13th, a...

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  • Giant tollway to bisect Texas

    Giant tollway to bisect Texas

    July 28, 2006

    DALLAS — Although a conspiratorial secrecy shrouds much of the plan, Texans are beginning to find out that tens of thousands of acres will be taken from them to create an incredibly wide transportation corridor running...

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  • Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    Chicago City Council passes Big Box wage law

    July 27, 2006

    CHICAGO — In a 35-14 vote the Chicago City Council passed a wage ordinance, requiring “big box” retailers to pay their workers a living wage. The ordinance will require mega-retailers like Wal-Mart to pay their workers...

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  • Jobs: now you see them, now you dont

    Jobs: now you see them, now you dont

    July 21, 2006

    Workers and taxpayers often lose twice when states and cities give out huge corporate tax breaks in the name of “economic development.” Consider Raytheon Corp. In a 1995 “job blackmail” episode, it threatened to move jobs...

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