
  • Locomotive engineers cite safety concerns

    Locomotive engineers cite safety concerns

    July 14, 2006

    Safety concerns on the trains they run dominated the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen’s conference in Las Vegas in late June. Topping the list were railroads’ plans to cut the crew members per train down...

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  • Rockford UAW activists get political

    Rockford UAW activists get political

    July 14, 2006

    Workers’ Correspondence Jobs Campaign activists met with UAW-endorsed congressional candidate Richard Auman at our weekly meeting June 5. The Jobs Campaign began 16 months ago when still-working, laid-off and retired UAW rank-and-filers first gathered at our...

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  • Teachers flunk Bush school law

    Teachers flunk Bush school law

    July 14, 2006

    Saying its members believe George W. Bush’s school-funding legislation, the No Child Left Behind Act, gets “a failing grade,” the National Education Association voted July 4 to lobby for a comprehensive rewrite of the statute next...

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  • Calif. vineyard workers fight back after firings

    Calif. vineyard workers fight back after firings

    July 14, 2006

    Vineyard workers and their union, the United Farm Workers, are upping the ante in their months-long struggle for a new contract with Northern California’s Charles Krug winery. The winery fired all 36 workers July 7, saying...

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  • Rally confronts Bush on war, minimum wage

    Rally confronts Bush on war, minimum wage

    July 14, 2006

    CHICAGO — About 200 people rallied outside the Hilton Hotel in this city’s downtown area July 7, protesting George W. Bush’s presence at a Republican fundraiser. Here is a sampling of some of their comments. Elizabeth...

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