
  • Grocery strike solid

    Grocery strike solid

    October 31, 2003

    VENICE, Calif. – Several hundred workers and supporters from the community turned out in front of a Ralphs Market here Oct. 18 for a rally in support of the striking grocery workers. The strike and lockout...

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  • Retirees step up fight for health care, pensions

    Retirees step up fight for health care, pensions

    October 31, 2003

    If the recent conferences of the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR) and the Alliance of Retired Americans (ARA) are any indication, senior militancy is definitely on the rise. Both of these union-based organizations, meeting back-to-back...

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  • First visit of U.S. unionists to occupied Iraq

    First visit of U.S. unionists to occupied Iraq

    October 31, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Stop violating labor rights CHICAGO – Two U.S. trade unionists just back from Iraq say they hope their trip is the beginning of cooperation and solidarity between the U.S. labor movement and Iraq’s newly re-established unions.

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  • Labor-based peace coalition maps plans

    Labor-based peace coalition maps plans

    October 31, 2003

    CHICAGO – Teamster Local 705 hosted some 200 delegates and guests who met here Oct. 24-25 to plan the future of a labor-based peace coalition. On the agenda were proposals for a mission statement, structure, leadership,...

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  • Free trade not what it seems

    Free trade not what it seems

    October 31, 2003

    If you are a Kmart shopper or a rancher in Montana; a mom and dad wondering about what the kids will do once they finish school; or a retiree, worried about pension and health care, the...

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