
  • Pondering the teacher shortage

    Pondering the teacher shortage

    November 27, 2003

    Workers’ Correspondence There is no arguing that teaching is one of the most emotionally draining professions due to the fact that teachers must put so much of their personal selves into their work every day. Coming...

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  • Decent paying jobs still elusive

    Decent paying jobs still elusive

    November 27, 2003 By Art Perlo

    Despite Bush administration claims that there’s an economic recovery underway, the latest employment figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics offer a grim picture for several key categories of workers.

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  • Miami police state actions condemned

    Miami police state actions condemned

    November 27, 2003

    MIAMI – Calling it a “military operation,” Stop the Free Trade Area of the Americas organizers condemned the “unprecedented, unnecessary and unprovoked” police use of force here Nov. 20 against law-abiding, peaceful protesters.

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  • UFCW nationalizes picket lines

    UFCW nationalizes picket lines

    November 27, 2003

    Union workers turned up the heat in the health care wars this week as striking grocery workers methodically advanced their campaign to “nationalize” their picket lines. Southern California Teamsters Union members at eight giant distribution centers...

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  • As thousands demonstrate: ‘Free trade’ deal stalls in Miami

    As thousands demonstrate: ‘Free trade’ deal stalls in Miami

    November 27, 2003

    MIAMI – While the Bush administration had hoped last week’s ministerial meeting here would pave the way for a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement in 2004, giving U.S. corporations a green light to...

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