
  • Families demand, Bring em home!

    Families demand, Bring em home!

    August 29, 2003

    CRAWFORD, Texas – Something is new in the fight against President Bush’s military aggressions in the Middle East. It is the growing resistance of the military men and women as expressed by their families here at...

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  • Prop. 54 poses threat to equality

    Prop. 54 poses threat to equality

    August 29, 2003

    While the California recall vote will get most media attention before the Oct. 7 election, progressive-minded voters are also gearing up to defeat a ballot initiative that will appear on the same ballot – Proposition 54....

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  • Stop the FTAA, On to Miami!

    Stop the FTAA, On to Miami!

    August 29, 2003

    Thousands will be marching in the streets of Miami, Florida, during the week of Nov. 17-21, protesting the proposed Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). They will pour into Miami from all over the country...

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  • Steel companies slash retiree benefits

    Steel companies slash retiree benefits

    August 29, 2003

    DETROIT – Thirty thousand retired steelworkers from bankrupt National Steel are seeing their worst nightmare become reality after a bankruptcy judge ruled earlier this month that they are no longer eligible for health care coverage. For...

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  • Ironworkers ring doorbells against recall

    Ironworkers ring doorbells against recall

    August 29, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Ironworker Ray Trujillo is on a mission: to reach every union family in California and convince them to vote “no” on the recall of Gov. Gray Davis Oct. 7. An outgoing and energetic...

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