
  • Desperately seeking Arnold

    Desperately seeking Arnold

    August 22, 2003

    Big as he is, it’s not easy to find Calif. gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you dial 411, his campaign office is not listed. Use the Google search bar on your computer and you can’t find...

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  • The Rosenbergs and the Cuban Five

    The Rosenbergs and the Cuban Five

    August 22, 2003 By John Gilman

    Opinion Political frameups of pro-labor, antiracist and antiwar activists are nothing new in U.S. history. The Haymarket martyrs, Tom Mooney, Sacco and Vanzetti, Angelo Herndon, Angela Davis: these are just a few of the most celebrated...

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  • Provide health care for vets

    Provide health care for vets

    August 22, 2003

    The military newspaper Army Times, in an angry editorial denouncing planned cuts in imminent danger pay, family separation allowances for active soldiers, and payments to families of soldiers who are killed on active duty, says the...

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  • Older women: Fodder for profit mill?

    Older women: Fodder for profit mill?

    August 22, 2003 By Annie Fox

    Historically ageism and sexism have come together nicely in the arena of menopause – nicely for profit-making, that is. Menopause is a normal, natural part of women’s aging, but has been transformed into a medical problem,...

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  • Sacramento clamps down on free speech

    Sacramento clamps down on free speech

    August 22, 2003

    The Sacramento City Council appears to be doing John Ashcroft’s dirty work by having passed two unconstitutional ordinances, 2003-026 and 2003-028, that suppress freedom of speech. The Council unanimously voted for the secretive resolutions on June...

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