
  • Undocumented students win tuition victory

    Undocumented students win tuition victory

    July 1, 2003

    Thousands of immigrant students in Illinois will be able to attend college thanks to new legislation that grants them in-state tuition rates. The bill was passed this month by the Illinois General Assembly and then signed...

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  • Mideast ‘free trade’ accord signed

    Mideast ‘free trade’ accord signed

    July 1, 2003

    Hidden away in Shuneh, a tiny winter resort, 1,300 feet below sea level, with summer heat of at least 110 degrees, on the Jordanian Dead Sea shore – far from any anti-globalization crowds – about 1,200...

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  • Protest greets Bush at fat cat banquet

    Protest greets Bush at fat cat banquet

    July 1, 2003

    NEW YORK – Thousands of activists, stretching from 52nd to 48th streets in mid-Manhattan, protested outside of George Bush’s $2,000-a-plate campaign fundraiser at the Sheraton Hotel here, June 23. The protesters drew attention to the Bush...

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  • JwJ launches ‘season of struggle’

    JwJ launches ‘season of struggle’

    July 1, 2003

    MIAMI, Fla. – Launching a “season of struggle,” participants at the annual Jobs with Justice (JwJ) meeting here signed on to a jam-packed agenda of protest, mobilization and education for this fall. They emphasized four key...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    July 1, 2003

    SACRAMENTO, Calif.: Feed the hungry or the corporations? Bill Camp, executive secretary of the Sacramento AFL-CIO, led 1,000 workers, environmentalists, and food activists through city streets to the State Capitol steps protesting the invitation-only, U.S. government-sponsored...

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