
  • Iraq quagmire echoes Vietnam

    Iraq quagmire echoes Vietnam

    July 1, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Talk of a U.S. quagmire in Iraq is mounting as attacks on U.S. and British soldiers ratchet upward. A harrowing report in the London Evening Standard June 15 gives a graphic picture of traumatized American soldiers...

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  • High court upholds affirmative action

    High court upholds affirmative action

    July 1, 2003

    WASHINGTON – The grassroots movement that marched and rallied in defense of affirmative action over the last decade hailed the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision, June 23, upholding race-conscious admissions programs at the University of...

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  • Bechtel the Evil

    Bechtel the Evil

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion The term “evil corporation” has become somewhat of a cliché over the years. However, in some cases this term is far too kind. The Bechtel Group of San Francisco is a prime example. George Shultz,...

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  • The big lie

    The big lie

    June 20, 2003 By John Gilman

    Opinion More and more each day, the lies and deception spewed from the mouths of George W. Bush, Secretary of State Colin Powell, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Richard...

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  • Health of U.S. children gets failing grade

    Health of U.S. children gets failing grade

    June 20, 2003

    Opinion In the annual “Report Card on Children’s Health” released by the American Health Foundation, the U.S. received a “D” rating for its children’s health, down from a “C” last year. Here we are, not talking...

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