
  • Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    Steel union sounds alarm on jobs

    June 12, 2003

    “Unless there is a strong Democratic (Party) case for revitalizing manufacturing, there’s a good chance George Bush will clean the Democrats’ clock,” declared Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers of America (USWA). Gerard was speaking...

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  • Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    Action needed on bills to end Cuba travel ban

    June 12, 2003

    While aggression against Cuba reached a new low when Bush administration officials expelled 14 Cuban diplomats on allegations of espionage, very important advances are being made in ending the embargo. Members of Congress recently introduced bills...

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  • U.S. agents grill Oakland high-school students

    U.S. agents grill Oakland high-school students

    June 12, 2003

    OAKLAND, Calif. – Parents, teachers, students and civil libertarians are still in an uproar over an incident on April 23 when U.S. Secret Service agents swooped down on Oakland High School and interrogated two male 16-year-olds...

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  • Nothing like a little good news

    Nothing like a little good news

    June 12, 2003

    Sometimes we need to hear a little good news. So often all we hear and read about is bad news – things that bring you down, make you doubt yourself or your neighbor – heck, things...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    June 12, 2003

    BIRMINGHAM, Ala.: Prison labor is back With a rising prison population and a state budget crisis, Alabama has been contracting-out people in jail to a furniture maker and a telemarketer. Prison labor, once outlawed, is back...

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