
  • Little Maine: the dragon slayer

    Little Maine: the dragon slayer

    June 6, 2003 By Phil E. Benjamin

    When two British publications – The Economist magazine and The Financial Times – pay tribute, of sorts, to the actions of a single state in the USA, you can be sure that history has been made.

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  • Urgent campaign to save San Pedro River

    Urgent campaign to save San Pedro River

    June 6, 2003

    Tucson, Ariz. – The continued existence of the Southwest’s ecologically vital San Pedro River is under severe threat, environmental activists say, because of a rider to the FY 2004 Defense Authorization Act. The proposed new clause,...

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  • Black telephone workers fight for MLK holiday

    Black telephone workers fight for MLK holiday

    June 6, 2003

    NEWARK, N.J. – Black telephone workers at Verizon are continuing their fight to force the company to make Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a paid holiday. Although Dr. King’s birthday was won as a federal...

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  • Philadelphia calls for Patriot Act repeal

    Philadelphia calls for Patriot Act repeal

    June 6, 2003

    PHILADELPHIA - By a vote of 13-3, Philadelphia City Council joined 115 other local and state governments around the country to call for the repeal of the USA Patriot Act, May 29. Introduced by Councilman Angel...

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  • Teach-ins say: Peace now! Dump Bush!

    Teach-ins say: Peace now! Dump Bush!

    June 6, 2003

    WASHINGTON – The nation’s capital was abuzz last week as peace activists from around the country pondered the next steps in the fight against the Bush doctrine of preemptive war at teach-ins organized by the Tikkun...

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