
  • Students lobby for books not bombs

    Students lobby for books not bombs

    May 7, 2003

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition (NYSPC) announced on April 24 a campaign on voter registration, education and action to mobilize the youth vote. Student activists across the country will deliver pledge...

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  • In defense of Cuba and human rights

    In defense of Cuba and human rights

    May 7, 2003

    News Analysis As we still hear shots in Baghdad, see smoke from bombed neighborhoods and hear that the humanitarian crisis in Iraq is reaching calamitous proportions, new targets are being identified for future bellicose actions. But...

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  • Union-busting, war profiteering: a corporate tie

    Union-busting, war profiteering: a corporate tie

    May 7, 2003

    News Analysis Many Americans had never heard of Stevedoring Services of America (SSA), until it was awarded a $4.8 million contract to open and operate the port of Umm Qasr in war-torn Iraq. SSA was up...

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  • ILWU convenes with eye on future battles

    ILWU convenes with eye on future battles

    May 7, 2003 By Evelina Alarcon

    The experiences of a hard-fought contract battle against a gang up that included the Pacific Maritime Association, a coalition of retailers and the Bush administration will loom large in the minds of delegates to 32nd Convention...

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  • Solidarity leaders say: Let Cuba live!

    Solidarity leaders say: Let Cuba live!

    May 7, 2003

    WASHINGTON – A standing-room crowd of Cuba solidarity activists packed the Cuban Interest Section April 26 for a briefing on the current U.S.-Cuba crisis. Cuba’s response to so-called “dissidents” including the execution of three men who...

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