
  • Santorum slammed for anti-gay bigotry

    Santorum slammed for anti-gay bigotry

    May 7, 2003

    A firestorm of protest continues to hover around Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) for remarks bashing gays and lesbians. In a long interview with the Associated Press, April 21, Santorum, commenting on a case before the U.S....

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  • Bush charges ahead on tax cuts to the rich

    Bush charges ahead on tax cuts to the rich

    May 7, 2003 By Fred Gaboury

    Despite deep splits in Republican congressional ranks and opinion polls that show overwhelming public opposition, President Bush used the occasion of Tax Day to launch a nationwide blitz in a renewed effort to win major tax...

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  • Labor slams Oakland police

    Labor slams Oakland police

    May 7, 2003

    OAKLAND, Calif. – Accusing the Oakland Police Department of acting as “private security guards for multi-national corporations,” delegates to the Alameda County Central Labor Council (CLC) unanimously condemned the April 7 police attack on anti-war demonstrators...

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  • Iraqis say No U.S. occupation

    Iraqis say No U.S. occupation

    May 7, 2003 By Susan Webb

    Shouts of “No to colonialism, no to occupation” resounded throughout Iraq this week.

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  • Oakland to probe police brutality

    Oakland to probe police brutality

    May 7, 2003

    OAKLAND, Calif. – After an outraged cross section of Oakland residents took to the streets on April 26 to protest and then made their case at an emotionally charged hearing, the Oakland City Council voted 7-1...

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