
  • New York march: Stop the war

    New York march: Stop the war

    March 28, 2003

    NEW YORK – Hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets March 22 in a spirited demonstration against the war on Iraq. The huge protest, held just two days after the start of the war, was...

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  • The cloud on Bushs horizon

    The cloud on Bushs horizon

    March 27, 2003 By Art Perlo

    George W. Bush’s campaign of shock and awe is aimed at the entire world, not only at the cities of Iraq. But as he moves toward the title of Supreme Overlord of the Known Universe, Bush...

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  • Senate blocks Alaska drilling

    Senate blocks Alaska drilling

    March 27, 2003

    In a 52-48 vote, the Senate moved to bar oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), March 19. Drilling in the ANWR was a key part of Vice President Dick Cheney’s energy policy. Since...

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  • Freedom ride seeks road to rights

    Freedom ride seeks road to rights

    March 27, 2003

    OAKLAND PARK, Fla. – “Across America we’ll be getting on buses to dramatize the need for a road to citizenship for millions of America’s immigrant workers,” declared John Wilhelm, president of the 265,000-member Hotel and Restaurant...

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  • U.S. intensifies hostilities toward Cuba

    U.S. intensifies hostilities toward Cuba

    March 27, 2003

    The Cuban government warned of increased hostile activity by the Bush administration aimed at “destabilizing and subverting the constitutional order, infringing the law, conspiring against social development, boycotting economic relations, threatening the security and destroying the...

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