
  • Without French solidarity, would there be a U.S.A.?

    Without French solidarity, would there be a U.S.A.?

    March 21, 2003

    Opinion Republican House leaders, enraged that France refuses to back George W. Bush’s Iraq war, have decreed that from now on french fries served in Capitol Hill dining halls are “freedom fries.” France is denounced as...

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  • Chicagoans to hear about Venezuela

    Chicagoans to hear about Venezuela

    March 21, 2003

    The Venezuelan ambassador to the United States, Dr. Bernardo Alvarez, will visit Chicago for a public presentation, March 28. The following is a recent letter Alvarez wrote to the U.S. press. The United States was founded...

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  • True patriots march and vigil to stop war

    True patriots march and vigil to stop war

    March 21, 2003

    WASHINGTON – Millions protested in the streets at home and around the world March 15-16, with an estimated 100,000 here, 100,000 in San Francisco, 30,000 in Los Angeles, and 30,000 in Portland, Ore. Rep. John Conyers...

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  • National Clips

    National Clips

    March 21, 2003 By Special to People’s World

    ANN ARBOR, Mich.: Marching for equal opportunity / TERRA HAUTE, Ind.: Gulf War vet executed / DENVER, Colo.: Violence begets violence / SAN FRANCISCO: Low-wage workers sue high-fashion brands

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  • Students march across state to save education

    Students march across state to save education

    March 21, 2003

    ALBANY – What would happen if Gov. George Pataki raised tuition at New York State’s public colleges and universities, cut financial aid programs, gutted opportunity programs, cut the State University of New York (SUNY) and City...

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