
  • Organize! Army of union stewards deploys for Employee Free Choice Act

    Organize! Army of union stewards deploys for Employee Free Choice Act

    December 15, 2006

    WASHINGTON — “Union power’s on the rise, now’s the time to organize!” More than 1,000 union members took up that chant as they marched to Capitol Hill, Dec. 8, still riding high from labor’s huge victory...

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  • Ask the Communists

    Ask the Communists

    December 8, 2006

    Q: Can the Communist Party have an influence in America? A: There is still a significant amount of anti-communism in the U.S., though much less than there used to be. We have waged and continue to...

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  • Lest we forget Bushs crimes

    Lest we forget Bushs crimes

    December 8, 2006 By John Gilman

    Just prior to the invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration sent out the word, which was echoed by most of the media, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction: nuclear bombs, anthrax and poison gas. They...

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  • How Arizona defeated the hatemongers

    How Arizona defeated the hatemongers

    December 8, 2006

    Arizona made history Nov. 7 when its voters became the first in the nation to reject a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. Why Arizona? How come voters in more liberal states have voted for similar hateful...

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  • Bush might flunk the new citizenship test

    Bush might flunk the new citizenship test

    December 8, 2006

    With a flourish, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services revealed its new test for naturalization last week. If it is implemented nationally in 2008 as planned, it will raise the bar a little higher for immigrants...

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