
  • Deval Patrick win makes civil rights history

    Deval Patrick win makes civil rights history

    December 1, 2006

    BOSTON — Newspapers headlines throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts unanimously proclaimed the Nov. 7 electoral victory of Deval Patrick as “historic.” And right they were. Patrick, a former assistant attorney general for civil rights in the...

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  • Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    Labor summit launches drive to fulfill voter mandate

    December 1, 2006

    News Analysis Folks were still eating turkey sandwiches when the AFL-CIO issued its call for a Dec. 8-9 labor summit and march in Washington, D.C., to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, a top legislative priority...

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  • GOP anti-immigrant agitation backfires

    GOP anti-immigrant agitation backfires

    November 18, 2006

    Commentary Since last December the Republican right has tried to use undocumented immigrants as a collective “Willie Horton” to distract voters’ attention from the massive failures of GOP policy, including the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina, declining...

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  • Beyond South Dakota

    Beyond South Dakota

    November 17, 2006

    With all the attention on Ohio, Virginia, Montana and a few other states, it would be easy to miss something very significant that happened in South Dakota on election night: a victory that just might point...

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  • They heard

    They heard

    November 17, 2006 By John Sweeney

    Do you think they heard us this time? Although the Bush administration and its congressional allies have done a very good job of ignoring working families for six years, I think they must have heard us...

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