
  • Goodyear workers strike to stop plant closings

    Goodyear workers strike to stop plant closings

    October 13, 2006

    Refusing further concessions, this is where rubber workers meet the roadPITTSBURGH — “How would you feel if you worked a lifetime to build a great company, made sacrifices to save the company and now are being...

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  • 700 unionists ring bells to knock out Santorum

    700 unionists ring bells to knock out Santorum

    October 13, 2006

    Angry steelworkers drive Bush brother into subway closetPITTSBURGH — Laughter, cheers and applause filled the Steelworkers union headquarters here, Oct. 7, when Allegheny County Labor Council President Jack Shea introduced steelworkers who had forced Florida Gov....

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  • Trail of sleaze paved with corporate cash

    Trail of sleaze paved with corporate cash

    October 13, 2006

    Culture of corruption aims for GOP one-party rule WASHINGTON — “Under the Influence,” an Oct. 9 report by Public Citizen’s Congress Watch, exposes the torrent of corporate cash pouring into the coffers of Republican incumbents scrambling...

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  • Hot Brooklyn primaries yield mixed results

    Hot Brooklyn primaries yield mixed results

    October 6, 2006

    A major battle over economic and political direction was fought in last month’s Democratic primaries in Brooklyn, N.Y. Nearly 2 million people live in central and downtown Brooklyn. Seventy percent are African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Latinos, Asians...

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  • Virginias good ol boy keeps getting uglier

    Virginias good ol boy keeps getting uglier

    October 6, 2006

    Just a couple of months ago Virginia Sen. George Allen, one of the more nasty reactionary incumbents up for re-election this year, was being talked about as a potential GOP presidential candidate for 2008. As for...

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