
  • Board slashes workers rights to join unions

    Board slashes workers rights to join unions

    October 6, 2006

    By a razor-thin margin, the National Labor Relations Board voted 3-2 on Oct. 3 to immediately rob up to 8 million workers of their right to belong to a union. The five-member board ruled that workers...

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  • Action urged to ensure all can vote, Groups mobilize to defend voting rights on Nov. 7

    Action urged to ensure all can vote, Groups mobilize to defend voting rights on Nov. 7

    October 6, 2006 By Susan Webb

    Unless urgent action is taken, millions of Americans may be denied their right to vote and have their vote counted this November, voting rights advocates warn.

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  • Flood of sleaze engulfs GOP

    Flood of sleaze engulfs GOP

    October 6, 2006

    WASHINGTON — One month from the Nov. 7 midterm elections, a firestorm is raging over the revelation that House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) and other Republican leaders covered up Rep. Mark Foley’s sexually explicit contacts with...

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  • The new culture war

    The new culture war

    September 29, 2006

    In the ongoing battle over immigration, conservative rhetoric continues to escalate. It’s racist, and it gets results. This year, more than 30 states have passed 57 laws banning the undocumented from receiving social services or pledging...

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  • A radical, yet necessary position

    A radical, yet necessary position

    September 29, 2006

    The Bush administration and the extreme right have been ruthless in their attacks on youth and our quality of life. They have shown us that capitalism offers no real future. As they continue to dismantle everything...

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