A book for Labor Day: “Playing Bigger Than You Are – A Life In Organizing”
August 30, 2012This Labor Day workers will be marching and highlighting union and election struggles around the country. After the marches, it might be a good time to kick back and read a good book by a leader...
Read moreChicagoans organize to keep health clinics open
April 27, 2012Patient advocate N'Dana Carter chaired the conference. She reminded everyone that the clinic was reopened under the influence of a community protest.
Read moreJobs pipeline offers hope
April 16, 2012Youth, the unemployed, elected officials, educators, union leaders, and the business community were all represented at a public hearing.
Read moreArmored vehicle operators form union, demand respect
October 18, 2011The union's slogan is "United we bargain, divided we beg."
Read moreInternet organizing brings on the ground victory
January 12, 2011Laptops might forever replace leaflets as the way people get the word out when they want to form unions at their workplaces.
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