
  • Millions march worldwide

    Millions march worldwide

    March 26, 2004

    Protesters in more than 60 countries – from Japan, South Korea and Australia, to Spain, Italy and the U.K., to Egypt and South Africa, to Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Canada – called for an end to...

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  • Peace marches, rallies sweep the nation

    Peace marches, rallies sweep the nation

    March 26, 2004

    Here is a bird’s-eye view of actions in over 300 cities and towns on March 20 as Americans renewed their simmering opposition to the war and occupation of Iraq and turned their attention to the reeking...

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  • Israel condemned for assassination of Hamas leader

    Israel condemned for assassination of Hamas leader

    March 26, 2004

    The Israeli government’s assassination of Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmad Yassin has ignited a firestorm of outrage and turmoil throughout the Middle East and far beyond. The blind, quadriplegic, and wheelchair-bound Yassin, 67, was...

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  • Carolina marchers call for peace now

    Carolina marchers call for peace now

    March 26, 2004

    FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – Nothing could be finer than to be in North Carolina March 20 when the crab apples were in bloom and more than 800 people marched through town chanting, “Bring the troops home, now!”...

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  • World still says no to war

    World still says no to war

    March 26, 2004

    NEW YORK – People from all walks of life gathered here March 20 to rally, march and demand the Bush administration return the troops home and end the occupation of Iraq. Anti-Bush sentiments were high among...

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